Pythagoras Numerology

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  • The Pythagorean method was developed by Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician and metaphysician who lived during the 6th century.
  • The numbers is based from 1 through 9.
  • Pythagorean numerology is the easiest, the best known, and the most widely used by modern numerologists.
  • Pythagorean system simply assigns the numbers in sequence so A=1, B=2, C=3 and so on.
  • Pythagorean numerology is often referred to as Western numerology as well as Modern numerology.
  • Pythagorean system uses only single digit numbers.
  • Numerology is also an excellent way to gain insight into other people. Pythagorean numerology can help you achieve these goals in addition to helping you understand what types of people are most compatible with you and why.


Chaldean Numerology

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • The Chaldean numerology system is perhaps the oldest form of numerology known, with its origin in ancient Babylon.
  • Every letter has a numerical value from 1 to 8.
  • It has no letters attached to number 9, which is considered very spiritual. Using this letter in Chaldean Numerology is forbidden, as it is a great dishonesty.
  • Chaldean system used sounds and tones to correspond letters and numbers. The Chaldean style matches the vibrations between the two.
  • Chaldean is the older of the two and is also considered more "accurate".
  • It take into account the numerical value of your name, it bases its interpretations on the name you are most known by. So, for example, if your name is Peter Smith, but you usually go by Pete, your numerology chart would be calculated based on Pete Smith.
  • It always uses compound, or double-digit numbers. Single digits represent outer influences and double digits represent inner aspects to a person.
  • Single digits represent the outer aspects of a person, while double digits reveal inner influences.
  • Chaldean numerology bases your date of birth number on the day of the month you were born. For example, if your birthday is May 21th, your number would be 21. Your birth number is extremely important in Chaldean numerology because, unlike your name, it is constant. That day you were born will never change. It is a constant in your numerological chart.



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Chaldean numerology bases your date of birth number on the day of the month you were born. For example, if your birthday is May 21th, your number would be 21. Your birth number is extremely important in Chaldean numerology because, unlike your name, it is constant. That day you were born will never change. It is a constant in your numerological chart.

Pythagorean Numerology: An insight into Western astrology

Pythagorean numerology is also known as Modern numerology and starts with six primary numbers. Three of these numbers are derived from the native’s birth date, and the other three come from the name. And these six numbers ideally give a clear insight into who they are and how they can improvise their lives. It basically decodes everything that lies behind the birth, date, and name of the person.

Right from a major impact to a minor one, Pythagorean numerology helps the person figure out the core meaning of their life and its purposes. Furthermore, this numerology type aids in finding out the right direction for the native with accuracy and reliability. In all, one can say that Pythagorean numerology is composed of six different variations and vibrations of numerology. However, its prime focus still remains on the vibrations that our name shall produce and its connection with the numbers.

Moreover, Pythagorean numerology focuses on six cores of numerology, which are taken from the person’s birth date and name. And the six cores described in the Pythagorean Numerology are as follows:

  • Life Path Number
  • Birth Day Number
  • First Impression Number
  • Inner Soul Number
  • Character Number
  • Expression Number

Pythagorean Alphabet Numerology Chart

The chart involves all the alphabet that is assigned to each number. This furthermore gives the person a clear perspective about their personality and helps them know what is there in the future for them. Along with it, the person’s birth date also plays a vital role in studying the skills, talents, and qualities.




































Life Path Number

Life path number generally is the prime focus of the Pythagorean system. It generally forms an association with the native’s life. Also, it helps in revealing how the person’s life shall be in the future. Furthermore, these numbers help in recognizing the massive influence that a number could hold on the opportunities that would be there in the future, along with the challenges and other hurdles.

People can calculate the Life path number by simply picking up their date of birth and reducing it to a single number. The final number would be the life path number.

Birth Day Number

As the name suggests, the birth day number generally represents the birth date when a person was born. The number is reduced to a single digit. However, if the number occurs to be a master number, it remains the same. The digit in the end basically forms the significant number that shall help the natives frame their whole life. Also, it is believed that at some point in their lives, birth day number plays a major role to help them seek goodwill and much more.

First Impression Number

As the name suggests, this number generally gives an idea of how the first impression of a person would be on others. By adding the day and month of the birthday, one can know the First impression number. This number reveals how the other person would think of the native when they speak to them the very first time. Also, it helps to define how one sees himself as an individual or wishes to represent in front of others. The way a native communicates, behaves, or defines himself in front of a being for the first and foremost time is what the First impression number actually tells.

Inner Soul Number

The inner soul number is considered as the third most important Pythagorean number in numerology. Many shall know this number with the name Soul urge number, Heart desire’s number, and Soul’s desire number. It generally reveals how the person is from the inside. Considering all the vowels in the name and reducing it to a single digit, one can figure out the inner soul number. It also gives a clear glimpse of the person’s subconscious desire, which sometimes gets ignored in materialism and other engagements. Not just this, furthermore it influences the native’s professional and personal life and attracts similar people according to personality.

Character Number

As much as other numbers are vital in Pythagorean numerology, character number or personality are important too. This number is calculated by adding all the consonants in the name of the person. It is also known as the personality number and reveals how the native shall behave when they meet someone new. In simple words, it illustrates the outer personality of the person. To calculate the character number, the person has to figure out all the consonants in the name and reduce it to a single digit. That digit would be the personality number of that person.

Expression Number

The expression number is also known as the destiny number. It utilizes the full birth name to calculate it. It helps the person to know the strengths and weaknesses that they have acquired since birth. Moreover, it also aids the folks to know the hidden skills that they possess in their life. It also lets the native know about the obstacles that they may need to overcome in their lives. Along with it, the Expression number also aids in learning skills that shall act worthwhile in the life of a person to achieve their goals and aims.

Positive and negative energy of the Pythagorean numerology

Generally, people approach knowing about these numbers to figure out their compatibility with other people, friends, family, strangers, etc. Thus, possessing accurate Pythagorean numerology would help people know how harmonious their lives would be with their known ones.

However, sometimes folks don’t get along with others even if they have a compatible life path number with their loved ones. It is because each number possesses positive and negative vibes that are closely associated with all the Pythagorean numbers in numerology.

There could be a possibility that a person might help figure out the negative energy of a person as it would be what the other person shall expect and feel about the native. However, some might help seek the positive traits and expression in a native, as they perceive that kind of energy from them. So in all, once a person gets to know another one, various patterns and combinations start forming, which help the native understand and build the future accordingly.

Chaldean Compound Number Vibrations

Here are some of the vibrations in Chaldean numerology. You can calculate your vibration with the Chaldean Numerology vibrations table pictured above and find out if your first, last name or first and last name together have a good or bad vibrations.

Here are only few vibrations listed. You get all the vibrations in the Numerology Analysis.

Single numbers denote what you appear to be in the eyes of others, while the double or compound numbers show the hidden influences that play a role behind the scenes and some mysterious way often foreshadow the future.

All the numbers from 10 upwards, become compound numbers and have a meaning of their own distinct from the root number. We do not know how and in what age these compound numbers were discovered. We can only say that they appear to have always existed. The meanings ascribed to the numbers 1 to 9 belong to the physical or material side of things and compound numbers from 10 onwards belong to the more occult or spiritual side of life. Distinct symbolism has been given to the compound numbers up to that mysterious number of 52.

The universally accepted symbolism of the compound numbers in ancient times was given in pictures and may still be found in the Tarot Cards which have been handed down to us from ancient times and whose origin is lost in antiquity. (Please refer to page 18).


Symbolized as the "Wheel of Fortune". It is a number of honor, of faith and self-confidence, of rise and fall; one's name will be known for good or evil, according to one's desires; it is a fortunate number in the sense that one's plans are likely to be car­ried out.


This is an ominous number to occultists. It gives warning of hidden dangers, trial, and treachery from others. It has a symbol of a "Clenched Hand", and "a Lion Muzzled", and of a person who will have great difficulties to contend against.


The symbolism of this number is suffering and anxiety of mind. It is also indicated as "the Sacrifice" or "the Victim" and generally foreshadows one being sacrificed for the plans or intrigues of others.


This is a number indicating change of plans, place and such-like and is not unfortunate, as is generally supposed. In some of the an­cient writings it is said, "He who understands the number 13 will be given power and dominion". It is symbolized by the picture of a "Skeleton" of "Death," with a scythe reaping down men, in a field of new-grown grass where young faces and heads appear crop­ping up on every side. It is a number of upheaval and destruction. It is a symbol of "Power" which if wrongly used will wreak destruction upon oneself. It is a number of warning of the unknown or unexpected, if it becomes a "compound" number in one's calculations.


This is a number of movement, combination of people and things, and danger from natural forces such as tempests, water, air or fire. This number is fortunate for dealings with money, specula­tion and changes in business, but there is always a strong element of risk and danger attached to it, but generally owing   to the actions and fool hardiness of others. If this number comes out in calcula­tions of future events the person should be warned to act with cau­tion and prudence.


This is a number of occult significance, of magic and mystery; but as a rule it does not represent the higher side of occultism, its meaning being that the persons represented by it will use every art of magic they can to carry out their purpose. If associated with a good or fortunate single number, it can be very lucky and power­ful, but if associated with one of the peculiar numbers, such as a 4 or an 8, the person it represents will not hesitate to use any sort of art, or even ''black-magic," to gain what he or she desires.
It  is peculiarly associated with "good talkers," often with elo­quence, gifts of music and art and a dramatic personality, combin­ed with a certain voluptuous temperament and strong personal magnetism. For obtaining money, gifts, and favours from others it is a fortunate number.

This number has a most peculiar occult symbolism. It is pic tured by "a Tower Struck by Lightning from which a man is falling with a Crown on his head." It is also called "the Shattered Citadel".
It gives warning of some strange fatality awaiting one, also danger of accidents and defeat of one's plans. If it appears as a "compound" number relating to the future, it is a warning sign that should be carefully noted and plans made in advance in the endeavour to avert its fatalistic tendency.


This is a highly spiritual number, and is expressed in symbolism by the 8-pointed Sta r of Venus; a symbol of "Peace and love". It is also called "the Star of the Magi" and expresses that the person it represents has risen superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of his life or his career . It is considered a "Number of immortality" and that the person's name "lives after him". It is a fortunate number if it works out in relation to future events, provided it is not associated with the single number of fours and eights.


This number has a difficult symbolism to translate. It is pictured as "a rayed moon from which drops of blood are falling; a wolf and a hungry dog are seen below catching the falling drops of blood in their opened mouths, while still lower a crab is seen hastening to join them." It is symbolic of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It generally associates a per­son with bitter quarrels, even family ones, also with war, social upheavals, revolutions; and in some cases it indicates making money and position thorough wars or by wars. It is however a warn­ing of treachery, deception by others, also danger from the elements such as storms, danger from water, fires and explosions. When this "compound" number appears in working out dates in advance, such a date should be taken with a great amount of care, caution and circumspection.


This number is regarded as fortunate and extremely favorable. It is symbolized as "the Sun" and is called "the Prince of Heaven." It is a number promising happiness, success, esteem and honor and promises success in one's plan for the future.


This number is called "the Awakening"; also "the Judgement". It is symbolized by the figure of a winged angel soun­ding a trumpet, while from below a man, a woman, and a child are seen rising from a tomb with their hands clasped in prayer.
This number has a peculiar interpretation; the call to action, but for some great purpose, cause or duty. It is not a material number and consequently is a doubtful one as far as worldly success is con­cerned. If used in relation to a future event, it denotes delays, hindrances to one's plans, which can only be conquered through the develop­ment of the spiritual side of nature.


This number is symbolized by the picture of "the Universe", and it is also called "the Crown of the Magi". It is a number of ad­vancement, honors, elevation in life and general success. It means victory after long initiation and tests of determination. It is a for­tunate number of promise if it appears in any connection with future events.


This number is symbolized by a " a Good Man blinded by the folly of others, with a knapsack on his back full of Arrows". In this picture he appears to offer no defense against a ferocious tiger which is attacking him. It is a warning number of illusion and delusion, a good person who lives in a fool's paradise; a dreamer of dreams who awakens only when surrounded by danger. It is also a number of false judgment owing to the influence of others.As a number in connection with future events, it is a warning and its meaning should be carefully noted.


This number is called "the Royal Star of the Lion." It is a pro­mise of success, help from superiors and protection from those in high places. In dealing with future events it is a most fortunate number and a promise of success of one's plan's.


This number is also fortunate; it promises the assistance and association of those of rank and position with one's plans; it also denotes gain through love and the opposite sex; it is a favorable number when it comes out in relation to future events.


This is a number denoting strength gained through experience, and benefits obtained through observation of people and things. It is not deemed exactly "lucky", as its success is given through strife and trials in an earlier life. It is favorable when it appears in regard to the future.


This number is full of the gravest warnings for the future. It foreshadows disasters brought about by association with others; ruin by bad speculations, by partnerships, unions and bad advice. If it comes out in connection with future events one should carefully consider the path one is treading.


This is a good number and is symbolized as "the Sceptre." It is a promise of authority, power and command. It indicates that reward will come from the productive intellect; that the creative faculties have sown good seeds that will reap a harvest. Persons with this "command" number at their back should carry out their own ideas and plans. It is a fortunate number if it appears in any connection with future events.


This number is full of contradictions. It indicates a person of great promise and possibilities who is likely to see all taken away from him unless he carefully provides for the future. It indicates loss through trust in others, opposition and competition in trade, danger of loss through law, and the likelihood of having to begin life's road over and over again.


It is not a fortunate number for the indication  of future events. This number indicates uncertainties, treachery, and deception of others; it foreshadows trials, tribulation, and unexpected dangers, unreliable friends, and grief and deception caused by members of the opposite sex. It gives grave warning if it comes out in anything concerning future events.


This is a number of thoughtful deduction, retrospection, and mental superiority over one's fellows, but as it seems to belong completely to the mental plane, the persons it represents, are likely to put all material things on one side — not because they have to, but because they wish to do so. For this reason it is neither for­tunate nor unfortunate, for either depends on the mental outlook of the person it represents. It can be all powerful, but it is just as often indifferent according to the will or desire of the person.


This number is very similar to the preceding one, except that the person it represents is even more self-contacted, lonely, and isolated from his fellows. It is not a fortunate number from a worldly or material standpoint.


This number has a magical power like the single 5, or the "command" numbers 14 and 23. It is usually associated with combina­tions of people or nations. It is a fortunate number if the person it represents holds to his own judgment and opinions; if not, his plans are likely to be wrecked by the stubbornness and stupidity of others. It is a favorable number if it appears in connection with future events.


This number has no potency of its own and consequently has the same meaning as 24 — which is also a 6 — and the next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.


Has the same meaning as the number 25, which is the one next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.


Has the same meaning as the number 26, which is the one next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.


Has the same meaning as the number 27, which is the one next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.


This number has a distinct potency of its own. It is a number of good and fortunate friendships in love, and in combinations con­nected with the opposite sex. It is also good for partnerships of all kinds. It is a fortunate indication if it appears in connection with future events.


Has the same meaning as the number 29, which is the one next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.


Has the same meaning as the number 30, which is the one next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.


Has the same meaning as the number 31, which is the one next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.


Has the same meaning as the number 32, which is one next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.


Has the same meaning as the number 24.


This is an unfortunate number. It is symbolized by the signs of revolution, upheaval, strife, failure, and prevention and is not a fortunate number if it comes out in calculation relating to future events.


Has the same meaning as 26.


Has the same meaning as 27.


Has the same meaning as 37.


Has the same meaning as 29.


Has the same meaning as 30.


Has the same meaning as 31.


Has the same meaning as 32.


This number has a very powerful potency of its own. It represents the nature of the warrior; it promises sudden advance­ment in whatever one undertakes; it is especially favorable for those in military or naval life and for leaders in any cause. At the same time it threatens enemies, dangers and the likelihood of assassination.


Has the same meaning as 43.

We have now completed the 52 numbers which represent the 52 weeks of our year, and for all practical purposes there is no necessi­ty to proceed further.

Significance of Alphabets A to Z

I wanted to add this description of all the letters. Each letter of the alphabet is the symbol of a concept and has its own numerical value. Every word therefore conveys a story when you know the meaning of each alphabet.

Your name reveals your born and hidden characteristics, your likes and dislikes. In order to understand a name in all its details, we will now study the meaning of each alphabet.


It denotes creative talents, initiative and leadership. If it is the first alphabet in your name, it shows a strong will power and determination. If A is the first vowel in your name, following a consonant, it shows a' dominating nature. The specialty of the capital letter A is the cross bar joining the two slanting lines of the letter. It is a sign of ambition. It indicates a desire to climb up the ladder of life.


This letter is enclosed and completes a circuit. It signifies that you keep your inner thoughts to yourself and only few friends will share your confidence. You are moody and emotional. It takes some time for you to mix with strangers. When your name starts with B, you are co-operative and like to follow the suggestions given by others. If B is the first consonant in your name after following a vowel, you are introspective and understand yourself as well as others.


If this is the first letter of your name, you have intellectual abilities. You have a healthy outlook on life. If this comes as the first consonant after a vowel, it gives you optimistic ideas. If this letter is repeated often, it means you will finally obtain success and overcome difficulties. You are very active and energetic. You are happy only when you are occupied. You also have a negative side to your personality. When your mind is filled with fear or anxiety, you should try to develop resistance to the worrying habit.


This letter is similar to that of B, in the sense that this letter is also enclosed and completed by a circuit. You are therefore self sufficient and keep your inner thoughts to yourself. You attach great importance to material things. The meaning of this enclosed letter is that you should rise above your enclosure and forget that you are bound by material barriers. If this alphabet occurs more than twice in your name, it symbolizes limitations on your activities which, however, you will overcome by your tolerance and patience.


If your name starts with this letter, you have a marked ability to write and speak. You activate every thing you come in contact with. This alphabet is mental and intellectual and produces energy and excitement. If this letter is repeated in your name, you acquire fame through writing or oratory. This letter has 3 cross lines representing activity on the spiritual, mental and material level. It shows a balanced character. You look more to the future than to the past. You are interested in making your personal contacts manifold and varied.


If your name starts with this letter, you show love for children and domestic life. You are stubborn and will never tolerate disloyalty. You are fond of quiet and simple pleasures of home life. You like to share the responsibilities of home life. If this letter is repeated in your name, it gives you protection in all family matters.


This letter curves inside upon itself. You love self analysis, meditation and introspection. If this letter is repeated, you are a clever analyst. You understand the motives of others and can go to the bottom of their intentions. You have a sort of intuition and can develop psychic powers. You are thorough in whatever you do. Ideas often take shape in the mind without any previous chain of reasoning. These ideas are generally sound and attention to them Will help obviate delays and difficulties. It is necessary to check your impulsive nature and hurry, otherwise you may not get the best result.


This letter has two perpendicular lines with a cross bar in the centre joining the two lines. This figure, therefore, stands firm and well balanced. If your name starts with this letter, you have a level headed attitude to life, and others can rely upon you. This shows you are kind but you give the impression that you are hard and resolute. The two perpendicular lines show two directions, up and down. You have the choice within you of either rising or descending the scale of life. You have strong potentialities for material progress at the same time there are strong possibilities of making errors on the material plane.


If your name starts with this letter, it shows your interest for the welfare of others. It shows psychic powers, universal tolerance and sympathy. If this letter is repeated in your name, it signifies extreme sensitivity, and hence suffering. You have communication with far-away places. This letter indicates an alert and alive disposition. You are impatient over delays. You are self reliant and have a tendency to lay down the law. Beliefs and feelings are of an usually intense character. You have an ability to carry on against opposition.


If your name starts with this letter or is the first consonant in the name, you like to find out new associations. You take pride in being in touch with the very latest developments. You are quick to seize new ideas. Usually, you have a bright outlook and you have talent for writing or painting. You divert your attention from one subject to another and herein lies your weakness not to pursue a subject for a long time. This is the 10th letter and therefore you have many of the qualities shown by number 1. On the whole, you have leadership, prosperity and success in life. You have a magnetic personality and you follow intellectual pursuits and cultural activities.


If this is the first alphabet in your name, you have vivid and magnetic personality. You are co-operative and have endurance. You like all forms of entertainments, theatres and public enterprises. This letter is written in up and down motion and signifies moodiness.


This letter is formed by two lines, a perpendicular one and the other horizontal. The perpendicular line shows aspirations and the horizontal one means the material world. You, therefore, have an ability to reason along clear and distinct lines and also have developed good logic. You are eager to assimilate facts, but are more reserved in accepting theories associated with them. If this is first letter in your name, you have versatility, social popularity and success. Your intuitive faculty assists you in time of need. It gives you a keen insight into the motives of other people. You have an active life with much movement.


When your name starts with this letter, you have strength of character, ability to study and an orderly mind. This letter is the mason of the alphabets and builds story upon story in its efforts and have noble ideals. If this letter is repeated in your name, you will never accept defeat. You are moody but at the same time you have the other matter-of-fact side.


If this is the first letter in your name, you are intellectual but inconsistent. You will discard as much as you take in, if you cannot progress or advance by your intake. You will be endowed with fluidity but you have a tendency to scatter many of your talents. You do things by fits and starts and have a strong emotional nature. Luck comes in cycles. There are times when nothing appears to go right; at other times, almost anything you take up is successful.


This is a completely enclosed letter and symbolizes that you are capable of keeping your inner thoughts very much to yourself. You give greater emphasis on beauty, form and order. You have a tendency to suffer from frequent depressions. Your attitude is conservative and in adverse circumstances you will always exaggerate the difficulties or delays. If this is the first letter in your name, it endows you with intellectuality, balance and the ability to handle your problems. Home, children and affection are the main points of interest in your life.


This letter indicates clarity of mental vision and foresight. You take great delight in preserving and protecting your ego and its development. If there are many P's in your name, power and success follow you. This power may be for good or bad and it is necessary to control the evil and it can be sought through meditation and concentration. The letter P is also another letter which is enclosed and others will never know about your hidden feelings. You will pass off an embarrassing or unpleasant situation without disclosing just how deeply it has affected you. You like to stand away from the crowd and realize that there is much to be gained by preserving your own individual taste unaffected by others' influences. Whatever your career in life, you succeed in retaining this characteristic of separateness.


If this is the first letter in your name, it gives you strong will power and determination. Your routine is set and seldom will you give to despair. You never lose hope even though there is a slight possibility of gaining your objective. You are more successful in organizing the affairs of other people than your own. Your mind is always on the lookout for new vistas.


If this letter appears as the first letter in your name, it shows great strength of will which can be used for good or bad. It is necessary for you to use your discretion before exercising your power. You will give advice very freely though you are slow to accept one. You have to understand and make allowance for the difficulties of others which will help you to unburden their worries.


If this is the first letter in your name, it gives you the capacity to make firm friendships and enter into others' lives and interests. You will choose only a particular folk, but if you find that you are betrayed, you will be greatly hurt. Though you have the feeling that some adjustment is necessary, but find it difficult to find out the way to it.


If this is the first letter in your name, it symbolizes sacrifice. You do acts of great self denial. You like to hold yourself back in order that the other's interests which may be conflicting with yours, do not embarrass him. You are, therefore, ready to share your success and also distribute your favors very freely. The letter T with its perpendicular line and bar at the top, shows aspirations of a spiritual character. You are anxious not only to satisfy your own higher ambitions, but also to bring happiness into the lives of others. Due to this broad outlook you often meet with frustration. This letter is the twentieth letter from 'A' and its single digit is 2 which represents Moon. It therefore signifies cooperation shown by number 2 and intensified ten times by being followed by the zero. It denotes a nature whose stress is towards the feminine principle of building up the foundation laid by another — of following rather than leading. The letter T represents devotion; it is more blessed to give than to receive.


This letter is open at the top wherein the gifts of imagination, charm, inspiration and romance are poured. It means that you will receive many gifts in life but you have to take care that those gifts are retained and preserved properly, otherwise they will flow over as the letter is open at the top. You have an open mind but you are slow to form convictions. You suffer from anticipating troubles that never materialize.


If this is the first letter in your name, your main characteristic is that you are highly receptive. You find little difficulty in grasping and learning anything you set your mind upon. This letter is related to those who often occupy positions of high command and use their powers with discretion. It denotes hard work but also gratifying rewards. You have the ability to bring your master plan or your theory into practice.


If this is the first letter in your name, you experience change in life from old conditions to new ones. You have wavering emotions. It is indicative of the necessity to learn to be dynamic. You have a love of speed, travel, words, excitement, adventure and all that is dramatic and swiftly moving. There will be no limits to your ambitions. Whatever you attempt, you will want to do thoroughly. You will be led to take great risks, having an eager, questioning spirit that wants to taste life in all its phases. The letter "W" symbolizes vanity. But in a well developed character, it is indicative of unusual power.


If this is the first letter in your name you suffer from frequent fits of depression. In adverse circumstances, you will exaggerate your difficulties and delays. You have an attractive personality and your general outlook is conservative. The letter "X" denotes the law of responsibility on the highest or spiritual plane.


The symbol of the letter "Y" is the diviner, the rod with forked tip, which is used for the discovery of oil or water under the surface of the earth. This letter gives you a desire for the search of esoteric or mystic elements of life. This letter endows you with the desire to search for secrets into the doctrine "behind the veil". You like to keep your thoughts and emotions to yourself and you dislike crowds. You crave independence and freedom. Whatever your station in life, you always retain this characteristic of separateness.


If this is the first letter in your name you have a very resolute character. You have a tendency to form fixed habits. Once your mind has decided a particular course, it will not be shaken. You have a great capacity to maintain steady effort, even in the face of several obstructions. Your advice and assistance are frequently sought and widely respected. You have tremendous potentialities which can be used for either good or bad. We have discussed above the interplay of influences derived from the first alphabet in your name. It would be quite interesting to analyze each letter in your name and find out the result.

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In a city where the lights never dim, an astonishing 22% of professionals admit that a vibrant wardrobe has helped...
  A staggering 42 million visitors descended upon the Las Vegas Strip in a recent year, with a sizable portion...
Las Vegas's allure isn't just encapsulated in its glitzy casinos and show-stopping performances; it also extends to the staggering 320-plus...
When in Las Vegas, the stakes are always high—not just on the casino floors but also in the fashion decisions...
Would you believe that the average high temperature in Las Vegas during summer months can soar to a scorching 104°F?...
Did you know that it takes just seven seconds for a person to form a first impression? In the city...
Did you know that Las Vegas turns over its population nearly every 48 hours, with people from across the globe...