A banner ad is a simple image file that is served onto a web page. Static banner ads typically consist of a single image file with no audio, video or additional features. The phrase “banner ad” originally referred to a specific size and dimensions for an ad space on HotWired, the first web-based magazine.

These dimensions fit the standard computer screen at the time and were large enough for readers to see without scrolling. The format soon became popular and was adopted by other websites. While standard banner ads are still commonly used, other forms of display advertising may be preferable for optimizing click-through rate and making the best use of costly ad space. For example, rich media banners include features such as audio, video and animation, making them more eye-catching and interactive.

Similarly, expanding banners take up more screen real estate and can be designed to expand when hovered over or clicked on. Ultimately, the right choice of banner ad depends on the goals of the advertiser and the target audience.

Animated ads are a great way to capture the attention of your target audience. Animation creates movement that naturally catches the eye and works against banner blindness, prompting target audiences to investigate your creative. Animations can also be combined with audio to create long-form ads that offer deep or complex explanations about a product, process or problem.

Another great aspect of animated ads is that they can offer an additional layer of humor and fun that makes them more share-able than a typical banner ad. Animals make it easier to create a narrative that the target audience can easily connect with.

Here’s one example of an animated advertisement for the meditation app HeadSpace. This animation is informative, fun, and constructs a clear narrative arc that engages the viewer from start to finish. If you’re looking for a way to make your ads more engaging and effective, animation is a great option to consider.

Interactive advertisements are becoming increasingly popular as brands look for new ways to engage with their audiences. These ads often feature embedded content that allows users to interact with the product or service in some way. One type of interactive ad is the playable ad, which allows users to play a mini demo of a game or try out a product before they commit to purchasing it. This type of ad is often seen in mobile games or on gaming websites. By allowing users to get a taste of what they’re offering, brands can increase brand awareness and ultimately drive sales. Thus, interactive ads offer a win-win situation for both consumers and businesses alike.

While video ads are most often served through video content platforms like Netflix and YouTube, they can also be distributed through display ad networks and social media networks. The great thing about video advertising today is that almost everybody has access to a mobile phone with reasonably high-quality video capture capabilities. There are thousands of people shooting, editing and publishing video-based content, advertisements included, on nothing more than a mobile phone.

Consumers love video ads right now. YouTube is the second-largest search engine on the Internet and people spend 33% of their time online engaging with video content. Videos also perform well on both handheld and desktop devices, they’re easy to share, and many marketers have achieved higher engagement rates with video than with any other type of content. If you’re thinking about incorporating video into your marketing strategy, don’t limit yourself to just one platform – there are many ways to get your videos seen by a wide audience.

Expandable Ads are a type of rich media advertisement that can be expanded beyond the original size of the ad unit. Expandable Ads start in the “invitation state”, where they occupy a relatively small ad unit on the page. After initiation, the Ad moves into the “expanded state” and takes up more space on the page, often doubling or tripling in size.

Expandable display Ads are still relatively uncommon, although they are being increasingly deployed on both desktop and mobile display networks. Some digital marketers consider Expandable Ads too disruptive to the user experience, but they do a great job of overcoming banner blindness and can perform better than traditional banner ads. If used judiciously, Expandable Ads can be a valuable addition to any digital marketing campaign.

Google’s Lightbox Ads are a unique and eye-catching way to get your message across to users on the Google Display Network. As the name suggests, these ads start off looking like a standard ad unit, but when a user hovers their cursor over one, it expands into a full-screen canvas takeover ad that can include video, audio, animation and other features. To reduce accidental engagements, users must hover their mouse over a lightbox ad for two full seconds to trigger the expansion.

Lightbox ads provide an immersive experience that brings users away from the web page they were browsing and into a full-screen advertising experience. This can be an effective way to capture attention and deliver your message, but it’s important to use this format wisely so as not to alienate or frustrate users. When used thoughtfully, Lightbox Ads can be a powerful tool for driving engagement and conversions.

Interstitial ads are a type of display ad that has become increasingly popular in recent years with the rise of mobile technology. Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that cover the interface of a host application and are commonly featured in mobile games. They appear during transition points that naturally occur while users engage with the app, such as during loading screens. Users on the free version of the app may be required to view ads for a set time frame, while some users may pay a one-time fee to remove interstitial ads from their platform experience. Interstitial ads can be an effective way for businesses to promote their products or services to a targeted audience. When used sparingly, they can provide a valuable user experience by delivering relevant information at opportune moments. However, if abused, they can quickly become intrusive and annoying, driving users away from an app or website. Businesses should carefully consider their target audience and desired user experience before implementing interstitial ads into their marketing strategy.

360-degree video ads are some of our favorite types of display ads to engage with online. These ads transport viewers into another world where they can play an active role in the story unfolding before them. This immersive experience is made possible by the latest technology, which allows mobile users to interact with the ad by moving their phones or rotating them in space. 360-degree video ads are especially well suited for stories that take place in exotic locations or involve thrilling action sequences. One great example is an elephant safari, which can be brought to life with this type of video. So if you’re looking for a way to grab your audience’s attention and transport them to another world, consider using 360-degree video ads.

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